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until: 04.04.2012 include in this category: News | author: Ing. Libor Jirásek | comments: 0


From 28th to 31st March Mr. L. Jirásek and Mr. M. Terech participated in a conference and annual members´ meeting of the European Institute of Golf Course Architects (EIGCA). The meeting was held in the south-French city of Nice at a very pleasant weather and with an accompanying program (more information please read here) and in a working atmosphere. The conference agenda here.

The conference was attended by almost 100 significant golf architects and representatives of golf industry. Both days were held under the motto GROWING THE GAME.

Our representatives´ program was very rich. Their lectures significantly contributed to enlivening the members´ meeting and the conference itself. At first, Libor Jirásek presented a project in the Prague suburb of Hostivař, which has the incredible membership of 4,000 people in its club and which is undoubtedly the most successful project of Golfer.

The other facts about the Hostivař project caused a stir in connection with Michael Terech´s lecture on the development of the Polish golf market. Michael presented a paper on its history and current conditions and a membership lower than the one of Hostivař aroused grins. Poland is, nevertheless, the second most developed golf country in the post-socialist block despite the fact that this country has fewer registered members than Hostivař in Prague.

Another point on the agenda which arose emotions was Libor´s lecture on the development of golf using EU funding with the so-called GREENING. There is a real prerequisite that a bit of goodwill will make it possible to use the provision of greening to set up outdoor free-time premises (sites) with some part of golf.


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