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Mladá Boleslav, Czech Republic

The design of this 18-hole championship course was first drafted as early as the first half of the 1990’s!

Investor’s - as well as our - patience has been rewarded with a golf course surrounded with romantic views of Bouzov, Putna and Debř, i.e. well-known historical Czech sights.

The development replaced the original ‘wasteland’ of erstwhile Czech intensive agriculture is characterized by, among others, vast water surfaces, ample and artificially lit practice grounds and a 15m hillock that was built to offer a landmark viewpoint of the surrounding landscape.
We made a permanent mark in the design of this 18-hole championship course introducing the longest hole in the Czech Republic (par 5 hole no. 15) and by the memorable bunkers that are shaped in a way which is considered our company’s trademark.

Open water surfaces do not only mirror the splendour of the local scenery but are also home to many animal species. Nearby sandy slopes and walls provide home to the Sand Martin after which the whole resort was named.


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(23.10.2017 | category: They wrote about us | Ing. Libor Jirásek)

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