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Assistance with your golf resort operation

It is mainly, but not only, the new golf resorts that need an experienced partner’s assistance to launch its operation successfully. We will be happy to share with you our long-time experience with golf resort operation and to assist you with initial legal steps.

Assisting in the selection of employees and their training

We will suggest the suitable composition of the team that will take care of your golf premises. We will define staff recruitment criteria and arrange for employee training. We know how to draft job descriptions and hot to design work plans.

Assisting in choosing mechanical equipment and purchase of golf course supplies

Based on our own and our client’s experience with the equipment of golf resorts we will suggest the most appropriate equipment for your resort. We will provide you with respective quotations. If need be, we will secure the purchase of equipment and supplies, their transport and professional installation.

Assistance with PR and golf resort marketing

To make resort successful it is necessary to establish and maintain proper public relations and to define a suitable marketing plan; i.e. to set goals, to specify target groups, a marketing strategy and marketing tools that will make your plans come true. We will be pleased to assist you with your marketing plan and PR formulation and implementation.

Assistance in establishing contacts with other clubs and in getting involved in golf tourism

We will assist you in establishing contacts with other golf clubs. We can also actively participate in the promotion of your golf resort. We will arrange for the organization and advertising of golf tournaments and for promoting your resort in the world of golf tourism.

“We are an experienced company with a long professional history yet with a modern outlook on not only the world of golf.”



Profilový článek Libora Jiráska v časopise Golf Digest

(05.11.2017 | category: They wrote about us | Ing. Libor Jirásek)

Česká golfová architektura nedávno oslavila úspěch – Panorama Golf Resort se stal Stavbou roku Středočeského kraje. Katalyzovalo to zájem... continue reading


Sedín - trefa do černého

(23.10.2017 | category: They wrote about us | Ing. Libor Jirásek)

Trefa do černého? Trochu mi to připomíná filmovou klasiku Kořeny (The Roots), ale nechci zlobit, tak jen pozitivně: ano, Sedínem jsme se... continue reading


Category: pravidla soutěže | Články | Environment | They wrote about us | News


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