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Analysis of the site and its sustainability

Properties selected by an investor for golf course development are analysed not only with regard to their golf potential but also in view of the overall prosperity of the future resort. The process of identification and selection of appropriate property can be assigned to Golfer as part of the project brief too. Analyses are completed for a variety of sites ranging from an untouched natural environment, through green field to en existing golf course or even a brownfield site.

The analysis of the site and its sustainability comprises:

  • Topographic investigation
  • Identification of environmental limits and possible ecological effects
  • Information on the availability and volume of irrigation water
  • Identification of the accessibility of other underground utilities
  • Soil analyses
  • Other necessary research procedures

You can also check our services included in the "Complex Project Management" category to see everything we can do for the accomplished solution of your project.



Profilový článek Libora Jiráska v časopise Golf Digest

(05.11.2017 | category: They wrote about us | Ing. Libor Jirásek)

Česká golfová architektura nedávno oslavila úspěch – Panorama Golf Resort se stal Stavbou roku Středočeského kraje. Katalyzovalo to zájem... continue reading


Sedín - trefa do černého

(23.10.2017 | category: They wrote about us | Ing. Libor Jirásek)

Trefa do černého? Trochu mi to připomíná filmovou klasiku Kořeny (The Roots), ale nechci zlobit, tak jen pozitivně: ano, Sedínem jsme se... continue reading


Category: pravidla soutěže | Články | Environment | They wrote about us | News


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