News - News
Jaké to je zahrát Hole in one?
until: 19.06.2013 include in this category: News | author: Ing. Libor Jirásek | comments: 0
Je krásný teplý večer - skoro noc a dívám se, kdo mi tak pozdě posílá zprávu. Nejdřív čtu, pak se začnu usmívat a pak smát na celé kolo. Radost! "Vcera...
Czech golf course architecture awarded
until: 07.06.2013 include in this category: News | author: Ing. Libor Jirásek | comments: 0
O úspěchu L. Jiráska jako řádného člena EIGCA se píše i v červnovém vydání Development News na stranách 58-59.
EIGCA Hail ‘Most Successful’ AGM and Annual Conference in Malmö
until: 01.05.2013 include in this category: News | author: Ing. Libor Jirásek | comments: 0
Over 100 delegates, comprising EIGCA Members, Industry Partners, Consultant Partners, and invited guests gathered in Malmö, Sweden, last month for a whole week of events...
until: 29.04.2013 include in this category: News | author: Ing. Libor Jirásek | comments: 0
See you next time - soon!
until: 12.02.2013 include in this category: News | author: Michael Terech MA (Hons) in Land | comments: 0
As it can be noticed on the attached photograph, the visit to GolfEXPO had some good sides ;) We look forward to discussing golf development opportunities on other events -...
We invite you to meet us at Salon Golfa GOLFexpo in Poland!
until: 23.01.2013 include in this category: News | author: Michael Terech MA (Hons) in Land | comments: 0
We invite you to a meeting held between the 8th and 10th of February 2013 in Sosnowiec. We can talk about investment opportunities in the areas of golf course developments...
BY DESIGN Excellence in Golf Design from the American Society of Golf Course Architects
until: 06.01.2013 include in this category: News | author: Ing. Libor Jirásek | comments: 0
Attracting the masses Growing the Game/Michele Witthaus/Summer 2010 When golf is introduced to a new country, too often it takes one of two tacks. Either developers look to...
U.S. Golf Architecture Study Tour 2012
until: 04.10.2012 include in this category: News | author: Ing. Libor Jirásek | comments: 0
Classic Golf in America: The Artistry and Strategy of Macdonald, Oark and Tillie October 1-5, 2012, Long Island, N. Y. and Far Hills, N. J.
until: 21.09.2012 include in this category: News | author: Michael Terech MA (Hons) in Land | comments: 0
Utilizing the invitation of Zetom sp. z o.o, Golfer took part in a conference on the security of recreational areas. The event took place in Katowice, Poland, under the...
GOLFER on the road...
until: 21.09.2012 include in this category: News | author: Michael Terech MA (Hons) in Land | comments: 0
Even though we work around the clock for the satisfaction of our clients, we were somehow able to break the time-space continuum and grab a grasp of fresh air! We have...