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First Pole to become a professional Golf Course Architect


until: 17.06.2014 include in this category: News | author: Ing. Libor Jirásek | comments: 0


Michael Terech, a long-time-member of the GOLFER team, has become the first member of the European Institute of Golf Course Architects from Poland.

After successfully completing a lengthy and complex application process, he was accepted as an Associate Member of the EIGCA. In order to accomplish this career milestone, he had to prove his knowledge in the fields of architecture, engineering and management.

The award has been presented this spring, in presence of over fifty internationally recognized golf course architects, at an annual conference of the EIGCA in Estoril, Portugal.

Michael is the first Pole fully prepared to act as a professional golf course architect. Apart from his master’s degree awarded at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, and his specialized postgraduate studies in England, for the past five years he has been gaining practical experience during his work in the Czech Republic and other Central European countries.

Currently, Michael is involved in realization of the company’s flagship project – a brand new golf destination resort nearby Prague. The project, including 27-hole course, hotel and associated structures, all of especially high standard, will open its doors for the visitors in spring of 2016.

Simultaneously Terech finds use for his skills on the home market.  Thanks to good cooperation with local authorities and individual clients, he currently works on new golf projects located in Southern Poland.


Click to enlarge a selected photograph.


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