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Sedín, Slovakia

An outstanding 18-hole resort located in the heart of natural landscape yet not far from Bratislava!

Apart from lakes and woodland, what awaits you here includes outstandingly well shaped play elements, including one-of-a-kind dunes in roughs. Besides modern golf course with ample greens and tee boxes, visitors are encourged to use the generous practice facility, consisting of a DR, pittching area and two proper par 3 practice holes!

More information will be available soon as construction is close to an end now!


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Profilový článek Libora Jiráska v časopise Golf Digest

(05.11.2017 | category: They wrote about us | Ing. Libor Jirásek)

Česká golfová architektura nedávno oslavila úspěch – Panorama Golf Resort se stal Stavbou roku Středočeského kraje. Katalyzovalo to zájem... continue reading


Sedín - trefa do černého

(23.10.2017 | category: They wrote about us | Ing. Libor Jirásek)

Trefa do černého? Trochu mi to připomíná filmovou klasiku Kořeny (The Roots), ale nechci zlobit, tak jen pozitivně: ano, Sedínem jsme se... continue reading


Category: pravidla soutěže | Články | Environment | They wrote about us | News


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