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Preparation of planning and project documentation

The comprehensive implementation of a golf project also involves the preparation of documents to be discussed with local government and appropriate state administration authorities. All documents and date are processed in accordance with applicable local laws and regulations.

  • Territorial planning documents and data
  • Documentation for a planning permission procedure
  • Documentation for a building permission procedure
  • Documentation for Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)
  • Documentation for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
  • Obtaining the authorization to carry out fieldwork
  • Obtaining water supply and management permission
  • Obtaining all other official decisions and authorizations required

"We have broad experience with dealing with state administration authorities and local government offices in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and other foreign countries."



Profilový článek Libora Jiráska v časopise Golf Digest

(05.11.2017 | category: They wrote about us | Ing. Libor Jirásek)

Česká golfová architektura nedávno oslavila úspěch – Panorama Golf Resort se stal Stavbou roku Středočeského kraje. Katalyzovalo to zájem... continue reading


Sedín - trefa do černého

(23.10.2017 | category: They wrote about us | Ing. Libor Jirásek)

Trefa do černého? Trochu mi to připomíná filmovou klasiku Kořeny (The Roots), ale nechci zlobit, tak jen pozitivně: ano, Sedínem jsme se... continue reading


Category: pravidla soutěže | Články | Environment | They wrote about us | News


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