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until: 13.10.2017 include in this category: News | author: Ing. Libor Jirásek | comments: 0


Zvítězili jsme! Vyhráli jsme v soutěži Stavba roku Středočeského kraje 2017 hlavní cenu! Odborná porota ocenila náš projekt takto: Stavba je mimořádná svým...

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A million-dollar view


until: 07.06.2017 include in this category: News | author: Michael Terech MA (Hons) in Land | comments: 0


Continuous work on oneself is a must in order to stay on top of one’s game – no matter what industry you are involved with. In golf, this is true as much for every player...

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Operations: design's older sister


until: 28.05.2017 include in this category: News | author: Michael Terech MA (Hons) in Land | comments: 0


At we always want to take best possible care of our clients and their projects. We understand than challenges await throughout planning and implementation phases,...

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Jak se stavěla Panorama


until: 15.07.2016 include in this category: News | author: Ing. Libor Jirásek | comments: 0

mraveniště - staveniště

Přetvářet krajinu je pro nás radost a velká výzva. A podařilo se i tentokrát. Na projektu výstavby golfového areálu v Kácově jsme začali pracovat v roce 2007!...

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Máme za sebou prvoseč na jamce č. 19!


until: 10.07.2015 include in this category: News | author: Ing. Libor Jirásek | comments: 0


Radost celého týmu je obrovská a všichni si přejeme, aby vše šlo tak hladce jako doposud.

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About golf projects - sharing key thoughts with the community of architects, developers and clients - part III


until: 05.05.2015 include in this category: News | author: Michael Terech MA (Hons) in Land | comments: 0

Article p.1

In the newest edition of Z:A magazine you can find the final part of the series „ About golf courses”. This time we look at the notion of housing developments around the...

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About golf projects - sharing key thoughts with the community of architects, developers and clients - part II


until: 31.03.2015 include in this category: News | author: Michael Terech MA (Hons) in Land | comments: 0

Article II

  We are pleased to present the second part of a series of articles on the golf projects, as it is published in the journal of the Polish Chamber of Architects "Occupation:...

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About golf projects - sharing key thoughts with the community of architects, developers and clients


until: 12.12.2014 include in this category: News | author: Michael Terech MA (Hons) in Land | comments: 0


We are pleased to introduce the first part of a series of articles on golf projects, as it is presented in the journal of the Polish Chamber of Architects "Occupation:...

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First Pole to become a professional Golf Course Architect


until: 17.06.2014 include in this category: News | author: Ing. Libor Jirásek | comments: 0

MT with EIGCA president

Michael Terech, a long-time-member of the GOLFER team, has become the first member of the European Institute of Golf Course Architects from Poland. After successfully...

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Seznam architektů na novém webu ČKA


until: 06.02.2014 include in this category: News | author: Ing. Libor Jirásek | comments: 0


Na nově spuštěných stránkách České komory architektů naleznete mimo jiné i prezentaci krajinného architekta Ing. Libora Jiráska...

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Profilový článek Libora Jiráska v časopise Golf Digest

(05.11.2017 | category: They wrote about us | Ing. Libor Jirásek)

Česká golfová architektura nedávno oslavila úspěch – Panorama Golf Resort se stal Stavbou roku Středočeského kraje. Katalyzovalo to zájem... continue reading


Sedín - trefa do černého

(23.10.2017 | category: They wrote about us | Ing. Libor Jirásek)

Trefa do černého? Trochu mi to připomíná filmovou klasiku Kořeny (The Roots), ale nechci zlobit, tak jen pozitivně: ano, Sedínem jsme se... continue reading


Category: pravidla soutěže | Články | Environment | They wrote about us | News


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